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10 Ways To Make A House A Home

It’s said, ‘It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can make it a home.’ It can feel strange and distant if you recently moved to a new house. Yet it takes memory-making and personalization to make it a home. Luckily, there are some things you can do to ensure your house leaves your family feeling at home. Discover ten ways to make a house a home.

1. Display Your Family Photos

Photos are worth a thousand words—they tell a story. That’s why most people have a picture of a loved one on their desk to remind them of family. Displaying family photos on your walls creates an emotional connection that reminds you of your shared experiences. A vacation in the Maldives, a trip to Paris, or a photo of a school day can help foster a sense of belonging. Besides, showing your photos is one way of personalizing your house and making it uniquely yours.

How do you display your family photos in the house to make it home? First, make sure the background is visually appealing so it doesn’t take away beauty from the photo. You can consider interior painting to give a clean and neat background. When it comes to hanging photos, there are multiple ways to do it. A gallery wall helps you arrange a collection of family photos in different sizes and styles. You can also use memory nooks—designate a side table or shelf to showcase family photos that mean something to you.

2. Invest in Comfy and Cozy Furniture

Every house needs furniture, but comfy furniture makes it a home. What first thought comes to mind when you think of going home? Did your mind go: relaxation, music, and some treats? Your furniture can help create that welcoming and comfortable environment after a day’s hustle. Depending on your choice of furniture, you can foster a sense of belonging and bonding. Cozy furniture encourages a culture of enjoying simple things. For example, a comfy sofa encourages you to curl up for a movie or a simple chat with loved ones.

Focus on quality and durability when purchasing furniture that makes your house a home. For example, go for high-quality wood furniture for your study. That way, you can ensure long-term satisfaction and memory keeping. Also, consider furniture that’s versatile, because a home is many things. Sometimes you need sleeper sofas for late nights. Other times you’ll need storage ottomans that can serve as small tables and storage solutions. Your fabrics should also create an inviting, comfortable, and practical atmosphere.

3. Add Soft Textures and Fabric

Your house may be brick and mortar, but soft textures and fabric can make it a home. Soft textures add a layer of warmth and comfort to your house—leaving it inviting and homely. Textures engage the sense of touch, thus providing a pleasant experience for your family and guests.

Using soft fabrics, calming colors, and patterns can help create a visual coziness, thus making rooms feel more intimate and nurturing. Of course, some fabrics may need more regular maintenance than average. For example, you may need to schedule regular carpet cleaning to keep it pristine and attractive. One of the best ways to incorporate soft textures and fabric into throws and pillows. Use soft throws over sofas and cushions with different textures to add depth and coziness.

Do you have a fancy rug from your previous house? Place it strategically in your living room, such as the bedroom and the living room. When it comes to curtains and drapes, consider soft, flowing ones that soften the room’s acoustics. Imbibe your personality in the curtains by choosing warm and inviting colors.

4. Infuse Sentimental Pieces in Your House

Sentimental pieces hold special memories and personal significance. A study by Harvard explains how scent, emotion, and memory are interconnected. They can range from family heirlooms and cherished gifts to bathroom vanities belonging to a loved one. A quick way to change your house and make it a home is by adding objects with personal meaning. For example, displaying a vintage photo frame of grandparents can evoke strong nostalgia. Even more, a sentimental piece can become a conversation starter. Your medal from high school can spark conversations about high school.

You can incorporate sentimental pieces into your home by repurposing them. Remember that vintage teapot you inherited from a loved one? You can place it as a charming centerpiece on your dining table. You’ll always remember your loved one while enjoying the pot for everyday use. Another idea is to designate a special place for your cherished pieces. For example, you can convert your basement into a childhood treasure land. You can always reminisce and reflect on how life has changed. You can also make your sentimental pieces using handmade art and craft—it’s a great step towards personalizing your home.

5. Designate a Reading and Relaxation Spot

Life can be stressful. The Mental Health Foundation reports that 74% of people reported feeling stressed in the past year. Yet a house can help relieve some of that stress—if you make it a home. A good idea is to designate a spot for relaxation and reading.

Designating a spot creates a personal retreat at home. Imagine coming from work exhausted and then retreating to a comfy armchair with soft cushions and scents from the past. Your spot will help promote a sense of calm and tranquility—disconnecting from the hustle and bustle of life.

So, how do you go about creating a personal treat in your house? Start with selecting a quiet corner—the point is to get away from distractions and traffic. A bay window area or bedroom can be a good spot.

Choose comfortable seating, such as a beanbag chair, that tells your body one thing: relax. Also, don’t forget the design. If the spot is outdoors, consider an inviting tile patio design. Decor adds a personal touch, filling your spot with positive energy. Don’t forget to add soft lighting because it creates an ambient and cozy ambiance.

6. Bring Nature Indoors

A great way to create more meaning in your house and make it a home is by bringing nature indoors. Adding elements of nature indoors promotes biophilic connection—a positive and sustainable reaction between people and nature. The National Resources Defense Council says biophilic design promotes cognitive function, physical health, and psychological well-being.

That’s why architects consider biophilic connections in their residential building designs. Besides, nature makes everything beautiful, even indoors. Bringing potted plants breaks the monotony of your house’s synthetic fabrics and non-living elements.

The most obvious way to bring nature indoors is by indoor plants. You can bring in ferns, spider plants, or aloe vera, then place them strategically to create a lush atmosphere. For example, you can suspend a planter shelf in your kitchen.

Yet biophilic design is not limited to plants – materials matter too. You can add bamboo blinds or wood shelving to the natural theme. Sometimes bringing nature indoors involves practices, not stuff. So, emphasize natural light by removing obstructions and choosing light-filtering curtains. Consider a nature-inspired color palette such as ocean throw pillows or soft sage green wall paint if none of these are applicable.

7. Create a Welcoming Kitchen Area

The kitchen is called the heart of a home, and for a reason – it’s where all the cooking and bonding magic happens. That’s why kitchen remodeling might be the most intuitive way to transform your new house and make it a home. Installing a kitchen island with bar stools can provide a central place for social interactions. Thus, creating a welcoming kitchen area is a great way to transform your house and promote culinary creativity. Don’t a minimalistic countertop and warm lighting invite you to cook a memorable treat for your family?

You can create a welcoming kitchen area using an inviting, open, functional layout. The kitchen work triangle (sink, stove, refrigerator) enables your household to prepare meals while interacting effortlessly. Don’t forget to choose a warm color palette because it helps create an ambient atmosphere.

Choose soft neutrals, warm beige, and soothing pastels. If the dining place is in the kitchen, opt for comfortable cushions on dining chairs so all family members can dine and converse. To personalize kitchen decor, choose items that reflect your family’s unique style. You can consider custom-made kitchen towels, monogrammed aprons, and chopping boards.

8. Change Your Bathroom into a Spa Treat

If the kitchen is the heart of the home, the bathroom is the oasis of relaxation. Transforming the bathroom creates a spa-like retreat that promotes tranquility and peace of mind. For example, incorporating scented candles and soft lighting will create a serene ambiance that will remind you of a luxurious spa.

In a modern age of distractions and stress, your bathroom can become a point that fosters self-care in your household. You can indulge in rejuvenating rituals such as soaking in a minimalist bathtub with a glass of wine. The luxurious feeling in your bathroom will aid in stress reduction and pamper your loved ones.

A great way to change your bathroom and make it a home is by opting for a calming color scheme. Choose soothing shades like pale greens and soft blues to create a serene spa ambiance. Color can change your mood, and multiple studies have inferred this.

Transform the bathroom by improving privacy. Close off the noise through the shower door and mirror installation. Luxurious linens such as plush towels and organic bathrobes give your household a luxurious and indulgent feel. You can go the extra mile by introducing scented candles and potpourri to infuse calming fragrances in the bathroom.

9. Create More Space

Sometimes, home means having all your stuff in one building. However, if you recently moved to a new house, creating more space is a great way to make it a home. It’s your chance to declutter and remove everything you don’t use.

You can use the minimalist 90/90 rule. The 90/90 rule guides you to declutter everything you haven’t used in the last 90 days and don’t anticipate using it in the next 90 days. Decluttering and creating more space is a great way to make your home more intimate. It can also mean ensuring your porcelain countertops are not filled with stuff. Instead, invest in modern storage solutions.

You can start by gathering things you clearly won’t use and giving them to charity. Some things may hold sentimental value, but you must determine which ones to hold on to and which to let go of. You can also get more space by downgrading some of your belongings. For example, if you had three sofas, could two do? If the kids have left the nest and only come home a few times a year, you can look for a house with less space. Having less space will mean lower maintenance.

10. Create More Glow with Warm Lighting

Did you know lighting could make a house a home? Normal lighting can illuminate a house, leaving it looking like a corporate space. Warm lighting makes your space glow, wow your guests, and make your family feel at home.

Don’t be limited to the indoors only – go outdoors. You can work with landscape designers to light up the exteriors to create an ambient atmosphere. Go for lighting fixtures that are durable, high-quality, and visually appealing. Lighting will also promote security.

To bring it all together, a house may be just a building, but you can make it a home with the right efforts. The good part is it doesn’t have to be expensive. Simple things like letting natural light in or displaying photos can make all the difference. Ensure you imbibe your personality and family values when redesigning the home to create a homey feeling. Above all, focus on creating memories – playing in the grass, planting a kitchen garden together, and watching your favorite shows together.

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